All aspects of

Turf Care


Turf care regimes

We provide several different services as part of the fully customised turf care regime. We understand that not every lawn, pitch, field or course is the same and they should not be treated as such.

We will work with you to fine-tune your turf care regime to ensure your soil and turf is fit for purpose.

Wide image of a football pitch maintained by shropshire vertidrain
Wide photo of a lawn being scarified a process of turf care


Scarification is the process of removing thatch, moss and other undesirable organic matter from around the base of the grass and is an essential part of proper turf care. Scarifying also tidies up any lateral growth, that would usually prevent dense grass growth.

Scarification reduces the risk of debris build-up, leading to an assortment of other problems. Reducing this undesirable matter and debris gives room for the grass to grow and allows water to reach the roots more effectively producing a thicker lawn.

Fertiliser Spreading

Like all plants sometimes grass needs a little extra help to get it through the tough seasons. Adding fertiliser to your grass maintenance regime will provide the nutrients the grass needs to grow even through tough times.

Giving your grass a fertiliser boost can also help when you are on a tight schedule and need your grass game ready quicker.

Large grassy area wide photo maintained by Shropshire vertidrain
Photo of a childrens play area covered is lush green grass.


Verticutting is another service included in turf care that is a pivotal technique for maintaining and improving the overall health of your grass.

In addition to removing thatch and other undesirables, it also: provides the grassroots with better access to oxygen, water and other nutrients. This ensures that the water can more effectively reach the grassroots helping to conserve water.

Sand spreading

Many professional sporting facilities like football grounds use sand-based fields which are achieved by a combination of sand spreading and top dressing the field.

Sand-based fields provide superior draining to regular fields allowing the games and matches to be played in the rain. The sand also helps to level out the field, help prevent thatch and improve the structure and filtration of the soil to help prevent common fungal diseases.

Digger loading sand into the spreader attached to the tractor a process used in turf care
Wide image of the shockwave an action used in turf care


Shockwaving or "Earthquaking" is the process of rotating blades deep into the ground, displacing soil as the machine moves forward in a wave action.

This process helps to relieve soil compaction, the sort you might find on a well-used football or rugby pitch, which in turn improves the aeration of the soil and removes surface water. Shockwaving helps revitalised these heavily used areas giving the grassroots easier access to oxygen and water to provide a healthier field.

Top dressing

Topdressing is the process of covering as green with a desired matter like sand or topsoil. The matter spread across the field and then spread more finely using a drag mat.

A well-topdressed field will retain its drainage of water providing a firmer surface for games play in wet weather. The firm surface also improves underfoot traction, improves the rebound of sports balls and helps maintain the grass coverage.

Image of lush green grass freshly cut into lines
The overseeder attached to the tractor used in turf care

Over seeding

Overseeding is the process of spreading seed over the top of the grass using a disk seeder. This ensures maximum soil contact to help improve the germination process.

Overseeding leads to improved grass coverage and disease resistance as well as giving you the opportunity to introduce new grass variants to your field.

Need a hand with your green?

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